A tutorial to those new to Mining Space
Last updated
A tutorial to those new to Mining Space
Last updated
Choose the crypto wallet you'd like to use (MetaMask recommended)
Follow the instruction and connect your wallet, such as clicking Connect in the pop-up window for MetaMask extention.
Game # Level #: Indication of the current Game and Level.
Total: The total number of BNB Gems available in this Level, and its value in BNB.
Collected: The number of BNB Gems collected by all the players in this Level, and its value in BNB.
The BNB asset in your connected wallet is displayed in the top-right corner. Clicking it will bring up a menu showing your in-game BNB balance and other options.
Wallet: Shows the number of BNB you have in your connected wallet.
Balance: Shows the number of BNB you have in your in-game balance.
Withdraw: Brings out the Withdraw window.
Balance payment preferred: Whether or not to set balance as the default payment option.
History: Shows earnings and spendings details of each levels you've participated in.
Owned: Shows the number of Space Beacon you have.
Disconnect: Disconnects your current wallet.
There are four options for collecting BNB Gems in the bottom row: 10 Gems, 25 Gems, Max Gems or a custom amount of Gems.
Clicking on either of the option will prompt you to select your prefered way of paying (wallet or in-game balance). After selecting your payment option, a sign-transaction-prompt for BNB spending will pop-up, prompting you to confirm and pay the gas to complete the transaction.
After the transaction is confirmed on the BSC network, the collecting of BNB Gems is complete and you should be able to see the spending details in your Transaction History.
To access the withdraw window: Click the BNB balance in the top right corner, then click Withdraw.
Choose which round of BNB earnings you'd like to withdraw.
Confirm gas and sign the transaction.
Withdrawal will be completed when the transaction is confirmed.